Foxboro/Los Angeles,
Many years ago, I was being attacked by a boyfriend, who was drunk, in a black-out & trying to kill me. The police came and saved me from him. He also attacked them. I have never had a bad experience with a police officer. They have been nothing but kind and respectful towards me & everyone I see them interact with. Since I moved to Los Angeles, I have had to call the police several times; once for a hit & run, 2 weeks after I moved there, another, for a trespasser hiding in our bushes, near our condo gate keypad, and twice more over concern for homeless people. They were nothing but kind, professional & respectful. As a woman who is usually alone, I feel MUCH safer when the police are around! I appreciate all that they do for us to protect us!
Over a 31 year career, I've performed CPR and First Aid on several people who ended up surviving. Some for years and some only for a few days, just long enough for loved ones to come and say their final goodbyes.
However, one of my most memorable saves was not from a cardiac arrest, but from an actual arrest. A man came to the police station one day and thanked me for arresting him for OUI. He told me it was one year to the day I locked him up and that he had not drank any alcohol since. The man said it was his "wake up call" that he was either going to kill himself or someone else, and thanked me for saving his life.
An officer was so compassionate to me when I called in an overdose, they arrived on scene and could see that I was shaken I explained that my daughter had died a year ago from an overdose. The officer was empathetic and so kind to me during our interaction.
Yes! We Back the Blue!
God Bless our Police, our Country and her people!
I’m in need of a sign for my personal residence in Sutton MA. I’d also be honored to help distribute them in the central MA area if you need the help. In full disclosure I’m not a LEO, but my brother is, on top of the fact that this campaign going on is sickening. At a minimum please let me know where/how to get a sign for myself.
Best regards
Thank you so much for doing this!!! Americans need to wake up and speak out before anarchy overwhelms our society!!!
I'm in Shrewsbury! May I have a sign? Thank you!!
Hello DYP -
I love the message ! How does one get put up in an area? My business is in Plainville, MA. I saw that one is in Wrentham & Milford. Thank you!
I love the Defend your police signs I’ve seen. Wondering if you have smaller ones available for peoples yards?
I just wanted to say I stand by all officers, not all are bad. I had my fair share of unfair treatment. Thank you for what you do, for keeping us safe, and keeping our families safe. I want to help anyway I can. Thank you for all you do, and thank you for keeping me safe, and my family safe.While facing hatred every day. Keep doing what your doing good people notice all your efforts.
Thank you for everything you do each and every day!
Back the Blue and that's exactly what I will do! We have some of the finest officers anywhere! I've known our police force since 1978. I've seen some great officers come and go. Some were here before I moved to town and have retired since thru the years. I wasnt always the greatest person and I absolutely gave them some scuff as a kid and teenager but, they are one of the best! O will always back my BLUE!!!!!
Why did you take your signs down in Milford? My family hopes they can go back up.
Response: The signs are not permitted. Our intention is to leave them up for 3 to 5 days per location and then rotate them throughout the state. Currently, they are placed in Shrewsbury, Westboro and Worcester.
I’m a person of color and I feel safe seeing you around. Thank you for your service ❤️
I always feel safer when when my local police are around and have literally saved the lives of several of my friends in domestic violence situations. I know, as with all humans there are some who have been hardened or inflated by the position but those are the minority and kept in check by the MAJORITY of their colleagues . I am humbled that they have pledged their lives to save mine and I will do anything to support their ongoing work, dedication , commitment and bravery.
I just saw the sign that you erected in Wrentham, MA. I support our brave officers at all levels (local through federal). I would like to know who created this site and erected the sign. You deserve to be recognized. I would be happy to share your message and add my comments to your site.
Years ago, when one of my sons was only two years old he fell into a glass object and slit an area of his neck, missing his carotid artery by millimeters.
We called 911. The dispatcher advised me to apply pressure to the area until the police and ambulance could get to us.
A Millis police officer arrived before the ambulance. Upon seeing the amount of blood and the age of my son he told me we were going to go in his cruiser to meet the ambulance.
He helped us into the cruiser, found the location of the ambulance and helped us onto the ambulance.
He stayed with us the entire time, 40 minutes, until the EMTs were able to stabilize my son and proceeded to the hospital.
I believe the officers quick actions helped save my sons life.
The calmness and steadiness he maintained during one of the worst moments in my family’s life remain with me everyday.
God bless all of you who protect and serve us everyday.
We appreciate you. We support you. We stand with you.
Thank you to the brave men and women who risk their own lives everyday to protect our lives and property! And thank you to your families for their sacrifice of late night worrying if their loved ones will come home safely. We appreciate you and all your hard work! Stay strong during these difficult times but know that normal Americans love and support you!!
Milford Resident
Thank you to all the wonderful law enforcement men and women. I am sorry you are dealing with so much hate lately but know you are appreciated and loved my many.
My local police are present, polite, and out there working hard every day. I have seen and experienced so much good. One time I saw Hopkinton police stop traffic to help a group of youth cross the road (who should have been in a crosswalk). Police didn't give them a hard time. It was 6:00pm rush hour and dark. The officer put safety first and helped the kids cross the street by forcing traffic to stop in both directions. My whole family witnessed the good deed.
Another time, around August or Sept last fall, I was walking from the parking lot into the Boston Water and Sewer Commission in Roxbury and I actually saw and heard a police offer to take an elderly pedestrians bags and walked with her until they were out of sight. I was almost in tears over how much kindness I saw pouring off of that officer. I don't know how far he went with her, but I could tell he was going to see her to safety. Also, Milford, Medway Holliston I see you working hard every day. THANK YOU!
I attended a Restore Sanity Rally to support law enforcement and Remember the victims
Of riot violence yesterday. Our group was outnumbered about 400 Antifa, BLM, communists, anarchists and Nazis to about 50 of us. The other side wanted nothing more than to jump the barriers and kill us. Their hatred for the police and for us we palpable. And it was scary. Those people were not there to peacefully protest, they were their to destroy us. I felt very safe because the Boston PD put themselves between the other side and us. They kept our perimeter safe and we were able to end our rally and go to our vehicles safely. Thank you Boston PD for your dedication and selflessness in protecting us and protecting free speech.
I love my town police!! An all that I have dealt with i can honestly say!!!! I will forever stand by,up and for all police!!!!
I have a son who is a police officer . He is a loving husband, father and son. He goes to work each day to do the job he has chosen and would love to go home each night just like every other husband,father and son. Being a police officer is not something all can do and that is why we need them to do the job they have chosen to do. Unfortunately he has seen more than I want to hear about but one example was in 2017 he was called to go to the Parkland School. He went in as some chose not to and did help save lives. He did come home safe that night . Please let our police officers do their jobs so they can all come home safe.
I’m a domestic violence survivor. I was in a abusive relationship for a few years. If it wasn’t for the officers that came when I called. I know for a fact I would not be here today. They didn’t treat me rudely or judge me for the situation I was in. It took me a long time to truly leave and they didn’t judge each time coming out. If it wasn’t for the officers I wouldn’t have found the strength to finally leave and stay gone. One night was really bad and I didn’t have much money officers shipped in to get me a hotel room. I also have a juvenile criminal past. I never encountered a bad or racist officer. Every officer I have ever met has treated me with respect and went above to help me out as a youth. I back law enforcement and know there job can not be easier. Thank you for hearing my story.
These men and women risk their lives every day. The real problem here is our society is not held accountable for horrific behavior anymore which is the real crime. What is happening to so many great men and women of law enforcement right now is an absolute SIN. This country needs to get its act together. It’s embarrassing! The local police in my community are friends to me. They support me personally by helping me with my efforts in wildlife conservation. One late evening, Officer Stockwell stopped and helped me remain safe while I was pulled over on the side of the road rescuing a live but injured animal.
These men and women are courageous, selfless people. We need them to be taken care of! These stupid politicians need to stand up for them!
I will always remember scenes where everyone is running from the danger, and police and first responders going to the danger...shame on the media for creating scenarios that encourage harm to those that protect us.
I will be first in line to support our police!
Thank you for all that you do and deal with every day. I can only hope that you know that the vast majority strongly support you.
When uncertain times happen, one thing is certain that local police has our community well protected, so that we may continue Our lives in peace of mind! Thanks for everything you do!
I had moved to a new neighbor with my teen daughters, we were unfamiliar with the area. I was at work, my daughters thought they heard something that was very frightening to them, they called police, who came immediately (it was ice that had fallen off the roof), but one officer stayed until I got home. He then gave my oldest his card and said to call him anytime, not to be afraid to call the police and that he’s always just a call away...
Our police officers have classes to help protect seniors from scams and fraud. They are wonderful