I have had negative experiences with police when I was younger. I fit the profile of a gang member/drug dealer. I don't blame them for that. Yes there are some bad cops. They are human. To say all police are bad because of a action of a few is crazy. Police need more funding. If a person of any race does a horrible thing do we judge everyone of that race bad and say we need to get rid of them? No!!!!
I dont have many interactions with Law Enforcement, because I'm not often breaking the law, unless you include a ticket or accident. My last one was about 7 years ago. However I support Austin, Cedar Park, and Round Rock's LEO even when I have received a ticket. I wrote many emails, several times, to city council, city manager, mayor, senators and governor. 81% of Austin residents voted NOT to Defund LEO and they did it anyway. (But they want us to pay to kill babies).
I haven't given up though and there are alot of Austinites who wont. All the liberal Californians came and ruined our city!
I'm not giving up
I don't say this enough to all our law enforcement agencies out there, but Thank You! Thank you for all you do to keep our nation and it's cities and counties safe. Thank you for all the times you've corrected me when I was not making good choices. Thank you for all the difficult and dangerous situations you daily put yourselves in so that common American citizens don't have to. Thank you for being in our schools protecting our precious kids day in and day out. Thank you for being in our stores. Thank you for the long hours and all the unseen things you do from a servant's heart. I support you! May I not take this protection for granted. It's disturbing to think of what would happen if we no longer had our Police and Sherriff Departments protecting our society. This is a blessing from God to have such things in order. May we as a nation rise up and defend our Law Enforcement. Instead of defunding them, we should be investing in them!! If they need more training, money, education.
Hampton N.H. 03842,
Just who am I supposed to call when some idiot is breaking into my house. The imagine Dept? If I empty a clip into them can I just imagine that's what happened? THEY have the hardest civilian job I can "imagine" & you idiots want to make it harder. THIS BS needs to stop.
I love seeing the police in our area assisting citizens. I see them caring for people when their car breaks down, directing traffic, being a presence at large crowd events, chatting with kids and adults alike all over town. Our local police are involved and caring and we appreciate them! We also understand there are many parts of their jobs that aren't so safe, or easy, and we thank them for their service!
I am a bartender and it is very late when I get done. When I am alone I call for a police officer to escort me out. They come make sure I get out safely. I appreciate this so much. I support our law enforcement community.
About 5 years ago I was in an abusive relationship. One night he came home drunk and kicked my door in, I escaped to the roof and called 911. Within 10 minutes 4 police cruisers were at my house helping me. He managed to lock the door back somehow and they couldn't get him out. But the police officers I believe did save my life that night I believe! They drove me to a friends house for the night so I had a safe place to stay. If not for them that night I believe it would have been a lot worse. I appreciate all they do! And admire their sacrifices and courage!
Law and order are necessary for society. Police put their lives on the line everyday to protect us.
I haven't had many but what I have had have been great. Thank you everyone that wants us to be safe. You are good men and women!
Come December 31, I will be retired as a law enforcement officer 21 years and it was a pleasure to serve the people I was hired to serve and protect. Back in the 70's we had the respect of the people in community which meant a lot to an officer. I thank the officers who put their lives on the line each and every day. I hope you will some day be able to retire and enjoy yourself as l have. May God Be With You.
Thanks for all the police and all you do serve and protect. Without you we would become a mob rule society. We know that just like in other organizations there are bad people and the police is no different. That is no reason to get rid of the entire police department.
We nurses love you Police
Lilburn, Ga. Has the best police force ever. They are outgoing, polite, and interested in Lilburn. They take the time to stop and just say hi or wave if you're working in your yard. Their response time is fantastic. They're just the best.
I'm deeply troubled by these democrats wanting to defund the police. This is wrong. Most of us enjoy not sleeping with one eye open. Defunding the police would cause major issues. I and my family back the blue.
They daily visit our kids at school, sports, and streets. Trying to raise their hopes for a better future. Kids see him and yell Bob (Nick name) . He visits on birthdays and etc.
Hell I've been arrested and I still support the police. It's not their fault my dumbass broke the law. I thank them for all that they do and pray that each day they are able to get home safely
We nurses love you Police
We love the police for all they do and have done for this country. When everyone runs away from danger the police are the ones that go running towards it. The left has undermined the sacrifice of the brave men and women in blue and that is not okay!!!
I’ll always back the blue. Always. There will always be different opinions. Doesn’t mean I have to join the defund bandwagon. These are all good men and women trying to serve and protect. Anyone who thinks differently can get “defunded” in my book.
Great men and women. I admire!!! Thank you every man and woman for your dedicated service
Police Officers put their lives on the line to protect and serve. Our children look up to them. They are who we call when trouble arises. Thank you to all of the men and women in law enforcement.
I want to thank all the officers of the Philadelphia PD for all they do despite the protestes.
I'm so sorry this has happened in our Great Country, yes it is still a Great Country, all because there was a very bad officer in the bunch. Wow if we were to do away with groups of people because of a few bad ones, I guess there would be no country at all. The police deserved our respect for all they do each day dealing with people who have no heart or soul and live their lives to bring harm and destruction to their cities/towns. Please know there are more of us that love, appreciate, and respect you for the great job you do for us, then what is shown on the TV networks each day. Its unacceptable what's going on right now, we need to make our voices heard & not tolerate this insanity anymore.
My brother in law is a police officer and I have many friends who are police officers. These brave men and women sacrifice each and every day for the safety of others! God bless and be safe!
Make no mistake to all you brain dead morons out there destroying our Country LEAVE. Keep on rioting out there because obviously your nothing but cowardly idiots. You don’t want the police until you need the police. Who are you going to call when a member of your family is missing or worse GHOST BUSTERS?? The police will always be there even when YOU NEED THEM!! Believe me anyone with a little intelligence respect and admire our men in Blue.
Disgusted and Horrified
Jim W
I was involved in a very major car accident last August. I feel the young policeman at the scene treated the man who backed into me, crushed my car with me in it and then left the scene was treated like the victim and me the bad girl. But I hold no animosity toward them. That’s just 3 trees in a gigantic Forrest of Wonderful Men And Women of the police forces. Thank you for all your dedication and service. I admire all of you for what you do. Thank you for your protection each and every day.
The police officers always do a super job at traffic safety on the roads and our highways and they always keep our schools very safe for us and we appreciate all the great work and we recognize all the great work that they do for us and they also do school bus safety as well
I’m very thankful for my local police department, keeping our community a safe place to live.
I decided to fly the blue line flag nearly a month ago in a very visible section of town. This choice was made because I have always respected police and have many outstanding police friends. With the current situation it breaks me down inside to think how these officers go to work every day to protect us and are seen as the enemy.
Since deciding to fly the flag I have received 3 letters taped to my fence, telling me to take down my flag. We were bashed on social media and lastly about a week ago had a sign taped to my fence that Blue Lives Murder. I am ashamed of these actions and hope soon enough we will all stand together to fight for our country and it's law enforcement.
I will always support the police in my town. Although I never needed them or ever had a run in with them, I feel that if I and others don’t support them, they would not be able to do their job. When I need help or someone else needs help, then we all need the police. I would never and will never ever put my police down. Shame on others that would.
We need the police now more than ever. They have always been there when we truly need them; ensuring our safety and so much more. It is a disgrace to turn our backs on them now. We are all human beings pursuing justice, as our police have done for us consistently to the present day. They fight to uphold our constitutional rights and freedoms. We owe it to our country to fight for the good that is at the core of our police force.
I have great respect and admiration for the police and all others who choose this noble profession. Thank you for all you do!
Our police in Upton have always cared about residents and their safety whether curtailing outa towners from speeding down our throughways or redirecting wayward individuals. I appreciate all the men and women of our police - fire - EMT - and volunteer services. Thank you All for Working in the interest to Protect and to Serve.
I was so happy to see the billboard to DEFEND the Police. They are dedicated and hardworking men and woman who put their lives on the line everyday. These amazing officers of the law deserve to be respected after keeping our communities safe. They are heroes! We need more police not less and more funding.
Thank you to all the great men and woman who protect and serve us.
My kids went to school where there was a very good police presence in town. Nothing but great role models for our younger generation, and they really are a partner to our community. I fully support the police here in Massachusetts, and we will soon became a lawless society if we should defund our police programs.
My son is alive today because of the quick action and courageous results of my local police! I’m forever grateful. God bless you all.
Ann W.
Hardworking police force dedicated to the community. Put their lives on the line every day. We are great full
Thanks to our local and state police for keeping our state safe!
Seeing those billboards made my day! Most police officers are good people doing a difficult job...let’s show them we appreciate all that they do for us in our communities.
Thank you!