Those who don’t fully understand our tax laws call him a tax evader and say it’s a criminal offense. We say, if he did something illegal with his taxes, the I.R.S. would have pressed charges, and if it were a jailable offense, he would surely be in jail. We say, that he followed the law that the career politicians put in place and did the best he could for his companies to pay as little in taxes as legally possible (just like you do). When is the last time you asked your accountant: Excuse me, Mr. Accountant, is there any way I can pay more in taxes this year?
You say, he filed bankruptcy and a lot of people didn’t get paid and he should be in jail. We say, the bankruptcy laws of the United State are there for everybody to use if it fits the criteria. We say, those who have never built anything will never truly understand because they could never get over the initial fear of failure. Almost all who have gone on to do great things have had some setbacks along the way. It’s what you learn from your failure that defines what you do with your future. He went on to make billions of dollars and become The President of the United States.
You say, he’s a racist and supports white supremacy. We say, that’s kind of funny because no one ever accused him of being a racist before he ran for the presidency. As a matter of fact, our one and only black president (and I quote) said: “Every American wants to be Donald Trump”…That was until he threatened their little kingdom. And white supremacy? He’s on record over and over again denouncing the K.K.K. and white supremacy. Although Joe Biden recently spoke at a leader of the K.K.K.’s funeral proceedings.
You say, he’s a bully and arrogant and doesn’t listen to the experts. We say, he says what he means with no filter and no apology. He’s strong and pushes hard and doesn’t back down and doesn’t care what anyone thinks. And the experts, for every expert that claims something is one way, there’s another who claims it to be another. It plays out in courtrooms across our country every day.
You say, he’s a “Draft Dodger”. We say, if he had a medical deferment and it was legal, then he did nothing wrong. The law is the law. It’s not the law just when it fits your agenda. By the way, if he’s a Draft Dodger then Joe Biden is the same, because he also had medical deferments.
You say, he committed adultery. We say, that’s between him and his God. Not he and you. But let’s leave it at this – LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN STEP UP AND BE THE FIRST TO ACCUSE.
You say, he’s a liar. We’ll concede to the fact that when the fake news only gives you the parts of the story that fits their narrative, it would appear that he lies. But you can’t blame him, because a majority of the media lies to you, and you won’t do the research to get the real facts. We’re truly sorry that they do this to you, but that doesn’t make him a liar.
You say, he’s an embarrassment to our country and they laugh at him. We say, it’s us that they’ve been laughing at and the B.S. that we settle for, for news. If they dare laugh at him, it’s because he believed he could change the system, and to do that, he has to fight the whole establishment, all the while, having his family attacked and falsely accused, and for what? To help a partially ungrateful country retain their constitution, and their freedom, from those who would surely take it away…YES. PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP will surely win this next election, because good will always triumph over evil. He’s been to the gates of hell and back, thanks to our lying, cheating, career politicians. One can only pray that our most merciful Lord does not see fit to treat his tormentors with the same malice he and his family have been forced to endure.
Thanks for reading.
I am, respectfully yours,
Kevin P.