Defund? Really? SHAME…SHAME…On You!!! How Soon We Forget…
Did we forget so quickly the people who ran back into the Twin Towers on 9/11? For those of you who may have forgotten, there were 71 officers who died that day.
Did we forget who ran in front of us to protect us the day of the Boston Marathon bombings? Those were Boston and State Police Officers.
Did we forget who the first responders were during the Aurora, Colorado Theater Shooting, the many school shootings, and the other mass shootings in concert halls, and the like, that have taken place in the past? So, were there some asshole cops there? I’m sure there were, but I bet there were some other assholes there too. It wasn’t just the cops, but I think this just points out that there’s just as many, if not more, many more good ones than bad ones.