A Little Clarification, for the Record
Sep 18, 2020
A Little Clarification, For The Record
- 1. To those of you who want to talk about President Trump’s bankruptcy filing from a failed business venture years ago, please tell me “what” exactly, did he do illegally? He filed under the law, when he couldn’t get short term funding to keep it going. It’s done every day in America. It’s part of doing business. Walt Disney went bankrupt several times before it became what it is today. If you don’t like the laws, get involved, run for office, and change them. Everything he did was absolutely, perfectly legal. The Clinton’s on the other hand, were forced to return goods that they stole when exiting the White House. Now there’s a difference here, so please pay attention, one of those two incidents was lawful, and one was completely illegal.
- 2. As far as calling our fallen heroes and soldiers “Losers” and “Suckers”… you weren’t there, I wasn’t there, so we really don’t know that anything at all was said (over 20 others familiar, some in attendance, say it never happened). But we do know that our President is extremely intelligent, and only a complete idiot would say or believe any such thing. Just think about it...those who claim to have heard it are jealous, envious little people. OMG! you know what they are? They are …LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!
- 3. And for those of you who want to point to fact check…Where are they getting the facts? Ok. How do you know that for sure? Were you there? Are they part of the fake news? I wasn’t there, but here’s a fact for you...every one of those problematic, burning, rioting, troubled cities, right here in our country, have a Democratic Mayor!! Most of whom are career politicians (the worst one being, the ever so righteous, uppity up shmuck Mayor, Bill de Blasio) But I know, I know, somehow it’s President Trump’s fault!
RIOTING CITY MAYOR Atlanta Keisha Bottoms (D) Baltimore Jack Young (D) Boston Martin Walsh (D) Chicago Lori Lightfoot (D) Cleveland Frank Jackston (D) Columbus Andrew Ginther (D) Dallas Eric Johnson (D) Denver Michael Hancock (D) Detroit Mike Duggan (D) DC Muriel Bowser (D) Houston Sylvester Turner (D) Indianapolis Joe Hogsett (D) LA Eric Garcetti (D) Louisville Greg Fischer (D) Memphis Jim Strickland (D) Minneapolis Jacob Frey (D) Nashville John Cooper (D) NYC Bill de Blasio (D) Philadelphia James Kenney (D) Phoenix Kate Gallego (D) Portland Ted Wheeler (D) Raleigh Mary-Ann Baldwin (D) St. Louis Lyda Crewson (D) Sacramento Darrel Steinberg (D) San Francisco London Breed (D) Seattle Jenny Durkan (D) To be very clear, this is not a coincidence, and this is DEFINATELY not President Trump's fault, nor is any part of this his doing.
- 4. And I think the absolute worst things is some of you are just misinformed and you call him a liar…Please tell me exactly what did he lie to us about? Let’s look at a Top 10 list of campaign promises he made (not that any president in the last 50 years has kept 10 campaign promises during their first administration, while being questioned and lied to by the entire entitled establishment):
1. He said he would build us a wall As of early April 2020, Over 200 miles of wall have been constructed and an additional 300 miles of wall are presently under construction at the Mexican border. 2. He promised funds to help fight the opioid crisis The Trump administration then secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
They also reduced high-does opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during his first year in office.3. He promised to lower your taxes He then Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in U.S. history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back into the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
And as a result of his tax bill, small businesses now have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.4. He promised to rid us of needless regulations He then had a record number of regulations eliminated.
5. He vowed to make life better for our true heros, "our veterans" His administration then signed the VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, and expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care. 6. He said the country had entered into bad deals with other countries, and he would break those bad deals He since withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
And then he withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
He then concluded the historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.7. He promised the money to rebuild our underfunded, ignored, rundown, obsolete, military His administration then secured a record $700 billion in military funding: and another $716 billion for next year. 8. He told us that NATO was playing us for suckers, and he would make them pay their fair share As of today, NATO allies have spent $69 billion more on defense since 2016. 9. He promised to lower the cost of prescription medications And last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to his administration's efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
They also reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals form overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs--saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.10. He assured us that he would bring back jobs in the energy field And since his inauguration he's increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached an all-time high.
And for the first time since 1957, the United States is a net natural gas exporter.
- 4. And I think the absolute worst things is some of you are just misinformed and you call him a liar…Please tell me exactly what did he lie to us about? Let’s look at a Top 10 list of campaign promises he made (not that any president in the last 50 years has kept 10 campaign promises during their first administration, while being questioned and lied to by the entire entitled establishment):
He told us he would, and he did!!!!!!!
Like him or not, he’s a doer and he gets the job done.
And just in case you might have forgotten, Please, Please remember this…
Obama called us “CLINGERS”.
Clinton called us “DEPLORABLES”.
Biden called us “DREGS OF SOCIETY”.
And President Trump…well, he calls us AMERICANS.
Which do you identify with, or consider yourself to be? Who had it right? Only you can answer that!
As for me, there’s only one choice, I’m an American.
Love to know your thoughts.